Monday, 11 May 2009

DC Comics page samples

Page 1
Here are some page samples I drew for a portfolio review with Dan Didio (DC Comics) at the Bristol Comic Expo

DC Comics page sample 2

DC Comics page sample 3

DC Comics page sample 4

Blog spottiness

I'm having a lot of trouble with blogspot. For some unknown reason, whenever I try to post more than 1 image in a single post, blogspot makes it impossible to enlarge all the images. Now this just isn't good enough for me and I really don't want to have to post each image in a different post, but it looks like i have to. 
If anyone has a solution to this problem I would be extremely happy to hear it.

Hope nobody minds.


Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Mad Dogs Bite!

Here's a link to the article I illustrated for Maddog Magazine. If you're in the East of England you can pick up a copy and see my amazing art in print.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Thursday, 29 January 2009


Just a little sketch of a sexy surfer chick. I actually did this piece a while ago but just never got around to scanning it in.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Menagerie News.

This is really old news but i just remembered it. Menagerie has been interwebbed into an online comic via 

You can read the entire story here
